Prateksha Udhayanan

Prateksha Udhayanan
Prateksha Udhayanan

UMD College Park (Current)
Adobe Research (2022--2024)
IIIT Bangalore (BTech + MTech: 2017--2022)

Hi! I am a first-year PhD student in the Department of Cpmputer Science, at the University of Maryland, advised by Prof. Abhinav Shrivastava. Previous to this, I worked as a Research Associate with Adobe Research, Bangalore, India lab. My research interests primarily revolve around computer vision, particularly in the field of controllable synthesis of visual content such as images, videos, and graphic designs.

I graduated from IIIT Bangalore, India, in 2022 with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science Engineering with a specilization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. During my undergraduate study, I spent three months as a research intern at Adobe Research, India where I worked with Dr. Balaji Vasan Srinivasan and Dr. Stefano Petrangeli on document to video tranformation, which involved image/video retreival and re-ranking techniques, along with sequence optimization probmens.

Research Interests: Computer Vision, Controllable and Multimodal Image Generation, Video Generation, Machine Learning


Links: [CV] [LinkedIn] [Github] [Google Scholar]